Welcome to hdhp.py’s documentation!

The infer function

hdhp.infer(history, alpha_0, mu_0, omega=1, beta=1, theta_0=None, threads=1, num_particles=1, particle_weight_threshold=1, resample_every=10, update_kernels=True, mu_rate=0.6, keep_alpha_history=False, progress_file=None, seed=None)[source]

Runs the inference algorithm and returns a particle.

  • history (list) – A list of 4-tuples (user, time, content, metadata) that represents the event history that we want to infer our model on.
  • alpha_0 (tuple) – The Gamma prior parameter for a pattern’s time kernel.
  • mu_0 (tuple) – The Gamma prior parameter for the user activity rate.
  • omega (float) – The time decay parameter.
  • beta (float) – A parameter that controls the new-task probability.
  • theta_0 (list, default is None) – If not None, theta_0 corresponds to the Dirichlet prior used for the word distribution. It should have as many dimensions as the number of words. By default, this is the vector \([1 / |V|, \ldots, 1 / |V|]\), where \(|V|\) is the size of the vocabulary.
  • threads (int, default is 1) – The number of CPU threads that will be used during inference.
  • num_particles (int, default is 1) – The number of particles that the SMC algorithm will use.
  • particle_weight_threshold (float, default is 1) – A parameter that controls when the particles need to be resampled
  • resample_every (int, default is 10) – The frequency with which we check if we need to resample or not. The number is in inference steps (number of events)
  • update_kernels (bool, default is True) – Controls wheter the time kernel parameter of each pattern will be updated from the posterior, or not.
  • mu_rate (float, default is 0.6) – The learning-rate with which we update the activity rate of a user.
  • keep_alpha_history (bool, default is False) – For debug reasons, we make want to keep the complete history of the value of each pattern’s time kernel parameter as we see more events in that pattern.
  • progress_file (str, default is None) – Since the computation might be slow, we want to save progress information to a file instead of printing it. If None, a temporary, randomly-named file is generated for this purpose.

The HDHProcess object

class hdhp.HDHProcess(num_patterns, alpha_0, mu_0, vocabulary, omega=1, doc_length=20, doc_min_length=5, words_per_pattern=10, random_state=None)[source]
__init__(num_patterns, alpha_0, mu_0, vocabulary, omega=1, doc_length=20, doc_min_length=5, words_per_pattern=10, random_state=None)[source]
  • num_patterns (int) – The maximum number of patterns that will be shared across the users.
  • alpha_0 (tuple) – The parameter that is used when sampling the time kernel weights of each pattern. The distribution that is being used is a Gamma. This tuple should be of the form (shape, scale).
  • mu_0 (tuple) – The parameter of the Gamma distribution that is used to sample each user’s mu (activity level). This tuple should be of the form (shape, scale).
  • vocabulary (list) – The list of available words to use when generating documents.
  • omega (float, default is 1) – The decay parameter for the decay of the exponential decay kernel.
  • doc_length (int, default is 20) – The maximum number of words per document.
  • doc_min_length (int, default is 5) – The minimum number of words per document.
  • words_per_pattern (int, default is 10) – The number of words that will have a non-zero probability to appear in each pattern.
  • random_state (int or RandomState object, default is None) – The random number generator.
kernel(t_i, t_j)[source]

Returns the kernel function for t_i and t_j.

  • t_i (float) – Timestamp representing now.
  • t_j (float) – Timestamp representaing past.

Return type:


pattern_content_str(patterns=None, show_words=-1, min_word_occurence=5)[source]

Return the content information for the patterns of the process.

  • patterns (list, default is None) – If this list is provided, only information about the patterns in the list will be returned.
  • show_words (int, default is -1) – The maximum number of words to show for each pattern. Notice that the words are sorted according to their occurence count.
  • min_word_occurence (int, default is 5) – Only show words that show up at least min_word_occurence number of times in the documents of the respective pattern.

A string with all the content information

Return type:


plot(num_samples=500, T_min=0, T_max=None, start_date=None, users=None, user_limit=50, patterns=None, task_detail=False, save_to_file=False, filename='user_timelines', intensity_threshold=None, paper=True, colors=None, fig_width=20, fig_height_per_user=5, time_unit='months', label_every=3, seed=None)[source]

Plots the intensity of a set of users for a set of patterns over a time period.

In this plot, each user is a separate subplot and for each user the plot shows her event_rate for each separate pattern that she has been active at.

  • num_samples (int, default is 500) – The granularity level of the intensity line. Smaller number of samples results in faster plotting, while larger numbers give much more detailed result.
  • T_min (float, default is 0) – The minimum timestamp that the plot shows, in seconds.
  • T_max (float, default is None) – If not None, this is the maximum timestamp that the plot considers, in seconds.
  • start_date (datetime, default is None) – If provided, this is the actual datetime that corresponds to time 0. This is required if paper is True.
  • users (list, default is None) – If provided, this list contains the id’s of the users that will be plotted. Actually, only the first user_limit of them will be shown.
  • user_limit (int, default is 50) – The maximum number of users to plot.
  • patterns (list, default is None) – The list of patterns that will be shown in the final plot. If None, all of the patterns will be plotted.
  • task_detail (bool, default is False) – If True, thee plot has one line per task. Otherwise, we only plot the commulative intensity of all tasks under the same pattern.
  • save_to_file (bool, default is False) – If True, the plot will be saved to a pdf and a png file.
  • filename (str, default is 'user_timelines') – The name of the output file that will be used when saving the plot.
  • intensity_threshold (float, default is None) – If provided, this is the maximum intensity value that will be plotted, i.e. the y_max that will be the cut-off threshold for the y-axis.
  • paper (bool, default is True) – If True, the plot result will be the same as the figures that are in the published paper.
  • colors (list, default is None) – A list of colors that will be used for the plot. Each color will correspond to a single pattern, and will be shared across all the users.
  • fig_width (int, default is 20) – The width of the figure that will be returned.
  • fig_height_per_user (int, default is 5) – The height of each separate user-plot of the final figure. If multiplied by the number of users, this determines the total height of the figure. Notice that due to a matplotlib constraint(?) the total height of the figure cannot be over 70.
  • time_unit (str, default is 'months') – Controls wether the time units is measured in days (in which case it should be set to ‘days’) or months.
  • label_every (int, default is 3) – The frequency of the labels that show in the x-axis.
  • seed (int, default is None) – A seed to the random number generator used to assign colors to patterns.


Return type:

matplotlib.Figure object


Removes all the events and users already sampled.


It does not reseed the random number generator. It also retains the already sampled pattern parameters (word distributions and alphas)


Sample a random document from a specific pattern.

Parameters:pattern (int) – The pattern from which to sample the content.
Returns:A space separeted string that contains all the sampled words.
Return type:str

Samples a value from the prior of the base intensity mu.

Returns:mu_u – The base intensity of a user, sampled from the prior.
Return type:float
sample_next_time(pattern, user)[source]

Samples the time of the next event of a pattern for a given user.

  • pattern (int) – The pattern index that we want to sample the next event for.
  • user (int) – The index of the user that we want to sample for.


Return type:



Returns the word distributions for each pattern.

Returns:parameters – A list of word distributions, one for each pattern.
Return type:list

Returns a popularity distribution over the patterns.

Returns:pattern_popularities – A list with the popularity distribution of each pattern.
Return type:list

Returns the time decay parameter of each pattern.

Returns:alphas – A list of time decay parameters, one for each pattern.
Return type:list
sample_user_events(min_num_events=100, max_num_events=None, t_max=None)[source]

Samples events for a user.

  • min_num_events (int, default is 100) – The minimum number of events to sample.
  • max_num_events (int, default is None) – If not None, this is the maximum number of events to sample.
  • t_max (float, default is None) – The time limit until which to sample events.

events – A list of the form [(t_i, doc_i, user_i, meta_i), ...] sorted by increasing time that has all the events of the sampled users. Above, doc_i is the document and meta_i is any sort of metadata that we want for doc_i, e.g. question_id. The generator will return an empty list for meta_i.

Return type:


show_annotated_events(user=None, patterns=None, show_time=True, T_min=0, T_max=None)[source]

Returns a string where each event is annotated with the inferred pattern.

  • user (int, default is None) – If given, the events returned are limited to the selected user
  • patterns (list, default is None) – If not None, an event is return only if it belongs to one of the selected patterns
  • show_time (bool, default is True) – Controls whether the time of the event will be shown
  • T_min (float, default is 0) – Controls the minimum timestamp after which the events will be shown
  • T_max (float, default is None) – If given, T_max controls the maximum timestamp shown

Return type:


show_pattern_content(patterns=None, words=0, detail_threshold=5)[source]

Shows the content distrubution of the inferred patterns.

  • patterns (list, default is None) – If not None, only the content of the selected patterns will be shown
  • words (int, default is 0) – A positive number that control how many words will be shown. The words are being shown sorted by their likelihood, starting with the most probable.
  • detail_threshold (int, default is 5) – A positive number that sets the lower bound in the number of times that a word appeared in a pattern so that its count is shown.

Return type:


user_pattern_history_str(user=None, patterns=None, show_time=True, t_min=0)[source]

Returns a representation of the history of a user’s actions and the pattern that they correspond to.

  • user (int, default is None) – An index to the user we want to inspect. If None, the function runs over all the users.
  • patterns (list, default is None) – If not None, limit the actions returned to the ones that belong in the provided patterns.
  • show_time (bool, default is True) – Control wether the timestamp will appear in the representation or not.
  • t_min (float, default is 0) – The timestamp after which we only consider actions.

Return type:



Returns a list with the patterns that a user has adopted.

Parameters:user (int) –

Return the patterns that a specific user adopted.

Parameters:user (int) – The index of a user.
Returns:The set of the patterns that the user adopted.
Return type:set